Ningbo University is located in the historical and cultural city of Ningbo of Zhejiang Province, bordering on the East China Sea. Ningbo University was established in 1986 by the donation of Yue-Kong Pao. In 1996, Ningbo Normal College and Zhejiang Shuichan College, Ningbo were merged into Ningbo University. In the early years of the school founding? Zhejiang University , Fudan University , China University of Science and Technology , Beijing University and other counterparts reconstruction, starting point to begin the school history.
After 2000, Ningbo Maritime School, Ningbo Forestry School, and Ningbo Normal School were merged into Ningbo University. The first President of Ningbo University was Zhu Zhaoxiang. Ningbo University ranks among the first group of universities of China to enroll students from China's mainland and Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao. It offers mainly undergraduate programs, and simultaneously it makes vigorous efforts to expand graduate programs, and also offers doctoral degrees in cooperation with other universities. Ningbo University's Faculty of Science was founded in April 2000. The Faculty has approx 110 staff and there are over 1000 full time students.
The undergraduate programs include Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Physics and Applied Physics. Pure Mathematics and Theoretical Physics are warranted to precede graduate education of Master degree in 2001. Furthermore, the faculty is working together with Zhejiang University and the Southwest Petroleum College to educate postgraduates for master's and doctorate degrees. Ningbo University is one of the 100 Chinese universities which are officially authorized the qualification by MOE for the recruitment of international students sponsored by government scholarships. A bachelor degree program of Chinese Language and an English medium bachelor program of International Business Administration are offered specially for international students, ingbo University is committed to providing the best possible facilities for students coming to NBU. University-managed accommodation is safe, affordable and convenient. Single and Double Bedrooms are available in international students hostel. The university only private single room and double room for International students. In case anything is missing or stolen on campus, students should inform the International Students Office as well as the Security Department of Ningbo University.
Medical School
The Medical School of Ningbo University was founded in 1998. It is a new medical school of comprehensive university, with Dr. John Tang, a famous Hong Kong scientist, as the honorary dean, who is also the donor of the school. Guofang Hong, the famous molecular biologist, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of the National Center for Gene Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences, serves as the dean. The executive dean of the medical school is Prof. Zhou Wenhua. Since its establishment, the school has received full support from Ministry of Education, Zhejiang provincial government, and Ningbo municipal government. The school has two five-year undergraduate programs: clinical medicine and preventive medicine. It also has four post graduate programs surgery, Internal Medicine,Epidemionlogy & Health Statitics,Biochemistry & Molecular biology,one of professional master program,MPA of Social Medicine and Health Administration, and five adult and distance education programs, medicine, nursing, preventive medicine, medical test, and pharmacy. The school has one municipal key discipline, four university level top-quality courses, two provincial top-quality courses, one national top-quality course, one national bilingual teaching demonstration course, four municipal key laboratories, one provincially supported discipline, and one university level characteristic discipline.
The medical school has 5 research institutes? Research institute of biochemistry & molecular biology, research institute of physiology & pharmacology, research institute of pathology & pathogenic biology, research institute of preventive medicine, research institute of anatomy and histology & embryology. It has two research centers: Ningbo diagnosis center of molecular medicine (Pro. Qijun Shen, the former executive dean works as the director of the center) and experimental center of basic medicine. The school takes charge of the laboratory animal center and the behavioral neuroscience center of Ningbo University (both are university level). It has 8 affiliated hospitals and another 8 hospitals for Teaching.
In the recent 3 years, the school has taken on more than 80 national, provincial or municipal research projects, among which 17 are of national level. Furthermore, Teachers of the medical school have published more than 40 SCI; EI indexed theses and won 19 scientific research awards, which are all above city level, including 1 first award of excellent teaching production of Zhejiang province, 2 third awards of science and technology of Zhejiang province. The school has been optimizing its constitution of teaching staff. Now 65.4% of its full-time teachers have senior titles, 65.4% have obtained doctorate degrees. There are 3 doctor tutors and a total of 8 staff members participating selected by talent projects of various levels and sorts.
The school puts great emphasis on international exchange and cooperation. It has established cooperation relations with the Medical School of RWTH Aachen University, Germany, the Medical School of Chiang Mai University, Thailand, the Medical School of Rouen University, France, University of Skovde, Sweden etc. Through academic exchange programs and teacher & student exchange programs with its international partners, teachers and students of the school have many chances to go abroad either for further study or for academic exchange.