The Asian Medical Institute located in Kant, Kyrgyzstan, Asian Medical Institute was established in 2004. This higher institution was meant for training highly qualified specialists in medical sphere both for Kyrgyz Republic & other countries of the world. AsMI is listed in W.H.O. Directory and FAIMER (IMED)
Currently, the Asian Medi MBBS admission in aboardcal Institute has students from over 10 countries including India, Russia, Nepal, Germany, Pakistan, and Nigeria. The medium of instruction at the institute is the English language and the length of study for a MD is six years.
Asian Medical Institute is the leading higher medical institution of the Kyrgyz Republic. This higher institution was meant for training highly qualified specialists in medical sphere both for Kyrgyz republic & other countries of the world. Asian Medical Institute is recognized by W.H.O database of Medical Schools In order to implement the modern methods of education process optimization on pre-diploma education of doctors, the main accent would be given to the following actual issues Methodology and organization of medical education; Training and retraining problems of specialists on family medicine; Training & retraining doctors on particular specialty.
There Are 4 Faculties In The Institute
- Medical
- Dentistry
- Nursing
- preparatory
The Asian Medical Institute has been recognized by the Ministry of Education & Ministry of MBBS admission in aboardHealth to train medical professionals for foreign countries, having highly professional teaching staff there are Doctors & candidates of Medical Science participating in the training process. Combination of utilization of modern training programs, technical material base, new training technologies and qualified teachers promotes the improvement of training quality. Students will be taught not only in clinical bases Kant, but also in Bishkek, Capital city. Many republican medical institutions & scientific centers are the clinical bases of Asian medical Institute. Institute's departments will be working out both the fundamental & applied research problems on medicine priority directions.
We would like to introduce prestigious establishment which will provide the best medical education. Asian Medical Institute situated in city Kant, which is 15 km, from the capital city Bishkek. The diplomas of Asian Medical institute will be recognized by the Medical Council of India, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Nepal, the Great Britain and other. The primary mission of the Asian Medical Institute is the preservation, advancement, and dissemination of knowledge; To provide academic programs, services, facilities, and technologies that support team-based learning and contribute to students' intellectual development and person growth; To coach and prepare students for job placement and career success, utilizing a network of professional and business contacts; To instill the importance of ethical behavior, responsibility, and professional standards. If we had to pick one word to convey what distinguished the Asian Medical Institute in the beginning, what makes it special now and what will remain its defining characteristic, it would be 'quality'.
The Asian Medical Institute, Kyrgyzstan is listed in the Avicenna Directory for medicine and also recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kyrgyz. It received its recognition from the Ministry of Health, Kyrgyz Republic to train medical professionals, mostly for foreign countries. ASMI students and graduates are eligible for M.C.I, PM&DC and N.MC screening tests. The Asian Medical Institute Diploma is a recognized qualification in other countries for the purposes of practicing medicine.
The Asian Medical Institute is committed in its pursuit of excellence to providing the best academic facilities and atmosphere to its students. Our mission is to train future leaders of medicine who set new standards in knowledge, caring and compassion. Their faculties of exceptionally well qualified and committed teachers provide combination of nurturing support and challenge to the students to reach their maximum potential. We shall continue to transform the contents, methodology of teaching and technological resources according to dictates of time. To serve the health care needs of world by educating health care practitioners to the highest international standards and stimulating innovation through research.
Three spacious hostels with all services including boarding facility, for girls and boys, to accommodate students from 3 countries , are available adjacent to the college premises.
Security staff remains alert on duty for 24 hours. Transport has been provided for hostilities for their clinical work in affiliated hospital.
The hostel atmosphere is clam, quite and conductive for studies. The security and comforts of the students always remains our prime objective. Two Generators of 200 KVA have been installed in the Hostels as a standby arrangement in case the electricity breaks down.
Hostels are supervised by senior teaching faculty members.