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Gomel State Medical University is public teaching university based in Gomel, Belarus. In 1990 Gomel State Medical University was founded as per Resolution of the Council of Ministers and Order of the Minister of Health of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. It is the youngest of four Medical Universities in Belarus.


The main campus of Gomel State Medical University located in the downtown of Gomel with 18 adjacent clinical sites spread across the city. Faculty includes 276 members with more than third holding MD/PhD degree. Education at Gomel State Medical University includes five to six-year programs in basic and clinical medical science. Upon admission to University students enter one of four different schools (faculties): General Medicine, Medical Diagnostics or Education for Foreign Students. There is also one year program which provides full-time undergrad course for admission to University. Graduates of the University obtain M.D. degree and require to complete minimum of one-year internship in order to practice clinical medicine. Education of foreign students at Gomel State Medical University started 2003

The Gomel state medical university this dynamically developing establishment of the education widely known in Belarus and abroad as the center of the "Supreme Medical Education" and a medical science. Now the structure of high school includes 5 faculties, 68 Specialties including 16 clinical, 12 rates in structure of faculties, and also the Central research laboratory.

The successes of medicine of the 21 century are determined not only by achievements of fundamental applied sciences, biology, recent engineering designs, but, to a significant extent, by people who realize outcomes of theoretical innovations into practical medicine. Therefore, preparation of the competent doctor possessing deep scientific knowledge, skilled in diagnostic and medical technologies, is one of the main issues of a higher medical school. The Gomel State Medical University completely corresponds to the status of a modern University and is recognized by every part of the world.

The graduates of the University work in clinics of different cities of the Republic of Belarus, Newly Independent States and Western Europe, Middle East and Asia

Today, Gomel State Medical University has:Today, Gomel State Medical University has:

  • 600 highly-qualified professors and assistant professors;
  • 34 departments, 5 profile research laboratories and a central research laboratory;
  • 18 large clinics equipped in modern way;
  • the clinical base of the University is the best in Belarus, advanced medical technologies on diagnostic and treatment of endocrinology, cardiologic, immunologic, hematology, ophthalmologic, oncology and other diseases are applied;
  • More than 5000 (including more than 1300 overseas) students taught at 5 faculties of the University;
  • The library with rich volume of books and access to Internet, three reading halls enabling adequate preparation for the educational process;
  • modem hostels with comfortable flats, lounges and physical training room, sports base;
  • Computer classes with access to Internet. For the years of its existence, the University has prepared more than 2000 doctors. We have foreign students from Poland, Turkey, Russia, China, Vietnam, Lebanon, Iran, South America, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Newly Independent States and Western Europe


  • Faculty of General Medicine for Overseas Students
  • Faculty of Pediatric
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Medical - diagnostic faculty
  • Medical - preventive faculty
  • Faculty on preparation of experts for foreign countries

Faculty Of General Medicine For Overseas Students

Faculty of General Medicine for Overseas Students was established in 2000 and in terms of the number of its student's rates second in the University. The Faculty unites about 1300 students from more than 138 countries of the world. The Faculty prepares general practitioners, its graduates are conferred the profession of a Physician and the degree of a Doctor of Medicine. Post-graduation study, clinical residence and training in various spheres of medicine are also available for the overseas students. Within the years of its existence the Faculty has prepared more than 140 doctors who work as physicians, podiatrists, surgeons, obstetricians-gynecologists, anesthesiologists in medical institutions worldwide. The faculty provides with a premedical education where students study subjects necessary for enrollment to the University (Russian language, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics) for 10 months. The period of study in the University is 6 years. The first three years the students study fundamental subjects such as human anatomy, histology, biology, chemistry, physics, Latin languages, philosophy.

Each subject is evaluated at winter and summer exams. Starting from the 4th year the students take their courses on the clinical premises of the University - in hospitals, out-patient clinics, in the Republican Research Centre of Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, and other medical facilities of the city. Students get deep knowledge of internal and surgical diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, medical aids, prophylaxis, treatment of heart vascular system, traumas, infectious diseases, oncology, neurology, pediatrics, drug addiction and psychosomatic diseases, internal diseases and many others. At the end of the 4th, 5th and 6th years of study students have nursery, out-patient and doctoral trainings respectively and have 1 or 1.5 months holiday. Upon graduation from the university the students pass final state exams and are issued diplomas. Students of the faculty are provided with all facilities to receive deep knowledge and professional skills. Subjects are taught by the experienced teachers in both Russian and English languages. Successive students who engage themselves into research are welcomed to continue their education at the clinical residence and post-graduation level.

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