Belarusian State Medical University is a leading higher medical education provider in the Republic of Belarus. In its present form it was established in 1930 under the title of Minsk State Medical Institute, though the academic heritage can be traced back to 1921, when a Medical Faculty was created as a part of Belarusian State University. On the 28th of June, 2001 Minsk State Medical Institute was renamed to the leading state higher educational establishment "Belarusian State Medical University". In accordance with order of the Health Ministry of the Republic of Belarus No 147 of June 1, 2004 and on the basis of the resolution of the Minsk City Executive Committee No 1325 of June 30, 2004 the university was renamed to educational establishment "Belarusian State Medical University".
Its history starts since 1921, when the Belarusian State University was opened with the Medical Faculty being a part of it. Later, in 1930 it became an independent educational establishment under the title of Minsk State Medical Institute. On the 28th of June, 2001 Minsk State Medical Institute was renamed to the lead- ing state higher educational establishment "Belarusian State Medical University". Crucial events of the University history: 1930 - the status of Minsk Medical Institute was granted. 1960 - the Faculty of Dentistry was created. 1964 - the Faculties of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine started their activity. 1967 - the Medical Faculty for International Students was set up at the University. 1995 - the Faculty of Military Medicine was opened. 2001 - the University was granted its current title and status of the leading higher medical institution in Belarus.
Tuition Fee
- Faculty of General Medicine - The Faculty trains mainly specialists providing therapeutic, preventive, sanitary-educative and other forms of medical activity in the field of strengthening and preserving health, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, disease prophylaxis in adult population. The term of studies - 6 years.
- Faculty of Military Medicine - Training at the Faculty is carried out for 6 years on the curriculum with thorough study of military medical disciplines in specialty "General Medicine", specialization "Military General Medicine" and MD qualification. The faculty also accomplishes training of clinical residents in specialties: surgery, therapy, hygiene, epidemiology.
- Pediatric Faculty - The faculty carries out training in four basic specialties: pediatrics, pediatric surgery, pediatric anesthesiology and reanimatology, pediatric gynecology and obstetrics. The graduates of the Pediatric faculty work as children's allergologists, immunologists, neurologists, eye-doctors, endocrinologists, adolescents' gynecologists, cardio-rheumatologists, oncohematologists. The term of study - 6 years.
- Faculty of Preventive Medicine - The faculty of Preventive Medicine trains specialists for the practical disease-preventive service. The graduates of the Faculty specialize as hygienists and epidemiologists. They can work as virologists, bacteriologists, laboratory workers, pathologists, toxicologists, radiologists, dieticians, health care providers, research workers and teachers. The term of study - 6 years.
- Pharmaceutical Faculty - The Faculty provides training in the speciality "Pharmacy" (specialization "pharmaceutist"). Term of study - 5 years.
- Dental Faculty The graduates of the Faculty receive the diploma of a dentist of general practice, and after appropriate specialization they can work as a dentist, orthopedist, orthodontist, pedodontist, dentist-surgeon, as well as maxilla-facial surgeon. The term of study - 5 years.
- Medical Faculty for Foreign Students - Faculty prepares students in the following specialities: general medicine (6 years, up to the 3rd course studying in English may be provided), dentistry (5 years), preventive medicine (6 years), pharmacy (6 years). On the Preparatory Courses (1 year) students study the Russian language, physics, biology, chemistry. Depending on the results of an interview foreign nationals are admitted to the first course. All foreign students are provided with dormitories.
Postgraduate Education
Activities of the department of clinical work and postgraduate education include organization, coordination and control of the teaching and learning process and are carried out in the following directions: PhD research degree program; MD research degree program; internship of new graduates; clinical residency. The department annually supervises over 300 postgraduate students both from the Republic of Belarus and abroad and provides training for about 700 interns enhancing their knowledge, skills and understanding in order to advance professional development. Postgraduate education is provided in 40 specialities and clinical residency encompasses 33 specialities. The term of studies in clinical residency is 2 years.
The Term Of Study At The Faculty Of General Medicine - 6 Years.
The faculty of General Medicine is the oldest and the most numerous at the Belarusian State Medical University. In the far 1921 the first students entered the rooms of the Medical Faculty of the Belarusian State University. And since 1930 the Faculty of General Medicine has started the history of the Minsk State Medical Institute that in 2001 was renamed to Belarusian State Medical University. For many years the faculty of General Medicine was the only faculty of our university and trained doctors of practically all medical specialties. After the establishment of other faculties the faculty of General Medicine MBBS fee russia, ukrain & chinatrains mainly specialists providing therapeutic, preventive, sanitary-educative and other forms of medical activity in the field of strengthening and preserving health, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, disease prophylaxis in adult population. Already now BSMU starts getting ready for its 90th anniversary. During the time of our existence the teaching staff of the University has accumulated great pedagogical, clinical and scientific experience giving the young generation of our country a possibility to get higher education on a modern world level.
At present almost 2700 students study at the faculty. Now, over 400 specialists graduate annually from the faculty, as compared to 21 doctors of the 1st release. Since then the faculty has trained over 28 thousand medical specialists, many of them are acknowledged scientists, health care providers, outstanding surgeons, therapeutists and doctors of other specialties. The faculty includes 19 Chairs of the University with 206 permanent workers of the teaching staff, of them 119 teachers have scientific titles and 154 - scientific degrees: 26 Professors and 93 Assistant Professors, 31 Doctors of Science (medicine) and 123 Ph D (medicine). Dear friends, your teachers will be famous scientists and teachers heading the Chairs of the Faculty: Professors G.G. Kondratenko, N.F. Soroka, A.V. Strotsky, S.I. Tretyak. We are proud that most of the teachers of our university have graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of our Minsk State Medical Institute some time earlier. It is the graduates of the faculty of General Medicine who determine the level of therapeutic and prophylactic care of the population, the state of medical science in the Republic of Belarus.
After entering our University you will have to undergo a long way in vast field of knowledge, to study many disciplines, to pass a great number of credit tests and examinations.
These three years of studies create the bases of theoretical and practical knowledge in specialty and many applied fields of biology and medicine. The 4th, 5th and 6th years are devoted to acquiring the bases of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in specialty.
The students study at 21 clinical bases of the University - the best city multi-profile inpatient and outpatient clinics, specialized therapeutic-diagnostic centers, dispensaries, maternity homes and other health care establishments. They listen to the lectures of leading specialists; MBBS fee russia, ukrain & chinaunder the supervision of experienced teachers they study internal and surgical diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, infectious diseases, dermatovenereology, oncology, neurology and neurosurgery, traumatology and orthopedics and many other disciplines. In the process of teaching great importance is attached to independent work of students with patients, mastering skills of clinical examination, interpretation of laboratory data and special investigation methods.
Every summer, beginning with the 3rd year, the student of the faculty of General Medicine undergoes practical training, when every future doctor has a possibility to apply received during the whole year knowledge directly at clinic. After the 3rd year the students-general practitioners undergo nurse's practice, after the 4th year - doctor's out-patient practice, and after the 5th year - doctor's in-patient practice.
Interesting perspectives are ahead of the students, who are interested in scientific research. During the studies, since the 1st year, the student receives a possibility to attend scientific students' circles at all Chairs of the University, both theoretical and clinical, to present reports at their sessions.
Especially purposeful students prepare extended scientific papers that are later presented at annual students' scientific conferences of BSMU, and in case of success -MBBS fee russia, ukrain & china at the Republican contest of students' scientific works. The students, who achieved excellent success in studies and scientific work, after graduation from the University, are recommended for performing further scientific research at BSMU and leading scientific centers of the Republic of Belarus.
Despite the difficulties in studies the students' years are the most wonderful period in life of a young person. Every student can try his/her abilities in sports, amateur performances, to become an author and a correspondent of the University newspaper "Vesnik BSMU".
Over two decades the amateur group "Panacea" has been working at the Faculty. Every day the university students' club opens its doors for all talented students, the majority of whom are students-general practitioners. The students-general practitioners are the members of BSMU sports teams in basket-ball, volley-ball, foot-ball and many other sports activities.
The administration of the university and dean's office pays great attention to the students' every-day life. The students from other towns are provided with comfortable hostel accommodation; the students' married couples, formed during the studies at the University, are not forgotten either.
The 6th year students complete their studies at sub-internship, a special type of preclinical training in 4 basic directions of the specialty "General Medicine": therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology and reanimatology.
The study at the Faculty is completed with state examinations in therapy, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics and social health. After successful passing of the final assessment the graduate receives the diploma and is awarded with qualification "general practitioner".
The basic duties of the doctor, a graduate of the Faculty of General Medicine - is to render medical aid to adult population of the Republic of Belarus. After 1-year residency a graduate of the faculty of General Medicine, a young doctor, gets the qualification certificate with the right to practice Medicine. He has a further possibility to undergo additional courses of specialized training and get a narrower specialty: gastroenterology, cardiology, pulmanology, oncology, endocrinology, ultrasound examination, etc.
It is indisputable that the choice of future profession and specialty - is one of the most important events in human life. This decision is not always easy to take, sometimes mistakes and disillusions happen. The profession of a doctor is one of the most humane, noble, needed and also the most responsible, requiring to give away all physical and spiritual power. In case the choice has been made, dear friends, you have a unique possibility, having applied all your power and knowledge, to become students of the faculty of General Medicine of the Belarusian State Medical University.
Campus Information
Hotel-block type (sanitary rooms, accommodation in the number of 4 persons in each block of the building).
Sports Facilities
The Belarusian State Medical University has a very good sports center including a stadium, a swimming pool, a number of sports and training gyms and a ski lodge. There are table tennis, football, basketball, track and field athletics sections.
Student Life
Club of intellectual games, student club, sports club and hobby groups in the dorms BSMU.