University Of Banja Luka
the University of Banja Luka there are currently around 15 000 students from all parts of the Republic of Srpska, but also from abroad.
Most faculties of the University of Banja Luka are placed in two university campuses, situated near
the banks of the Vrbas river, near the city centre. The campuses include student dormitories with
cafeterias, sports courts, student clubs and the University Computer Centre. The University of
Banja Luka disposes of all necessary facilities, from classrooms and lecture halls, reading rooms and libraries, to laboratories and computer rooms.
The Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Banja Luka is a modern, dynamically developing educational institution, with the mission to
provide the best education to professional, responsible, modern medical staff, to conduct research at the highest international level and to implement innovative application solutions in cooperation with providers of medical services and in response to social needs. The Faculty of Medicine was established in 1978, with the first lecture given on 15 November 1978. Today our diplomas are __ internationally recognized and our graduates are employed worldwide.
School of Medicine
School of Dental Medicine
School of Pharmacy
School of Health Sciences
° Midwifery
* Physiotherapy
¢ Medical Laboratory Diagnostics
¢ Radiological Technology
¢ Sanitary Engineering
The Faculty of Medicine has devotedly followed its mission to provide its students and members of staff, through a stimulating environment,
with academic and_ research competences to help them achieve professional standards necessary for overall healthcare, economic, and
social progress, in line with both domestic and international priorities.
The Faculty of Medicine is determined to realise its vision of becoming a recognisable institution at regional and international levels through excellence in the teaching process and academic research, with a view to contributing to the improvement of the healthcare system by means of its capacities.
The Study Programs
The Faculty of Medicine is determined to realise its vision of becoming a recognisable institution at regional and international levels through excellence in the teaching process and academic research, with a view to contributing to the improvement of the healthcare system by means of its capacities.
The Faculty of Medicine has all three cycles of studies - nine study programmes on the bachelor level, the second cycle of studies - Master of Health Studies, as well as the third cycle of studies - Biomedical Sciences.
In addition to the integrated study programmes (Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy) the following new study programmes have been
licensed: Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Sanitary Engineering, Medical Laboratory Diagnostics, Radiological Technology.