Bukovinian state medical university (BSMU) is one of the largest higher educational establishments in Chernivtsi. It has recently celebrated the 65th anniversary of its foundation. It is a modern multiprofile educatioMBBS fee russia, ukrain & chinaMBBS fee russia, ukrain & chinanal institution of the IV accreditation level, included into the general register of the WHO, Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna, Italy), the Association of the Carpathian Region Universities that provides qualified training according to the grade system of education. The University includes a medical lyceum, Chernivtsi, Vashkivtsi, Novoselytsia and Kovel' (Volyn') Medical Colleges, 4 medical faculties, stomatological and pharmaceutical faculties, the department of post-graduate education, preparatory department for foreign students.
The development of BSMU is associated with the names of famous scientists and founders. BSMU graduates work successfully in medical, pharmaceutical, economic, educational, scientific, social and cultural fields. The University is proud of its graduates, and many of them have achieved great results in professional and public life. The University provides continuity of higher medical education: Junior Specialist - a Bachelor - a Medical Specialist - a Master - a post graduate. BSMU trains specialists in:
- General medicine
- Pediatrics
- Stomatology
- Medical physiology
- Clinical pharmacy
- Pharmacy
- Nursing
- Laboratory diagnostic
Post-graduate education of doctors is realized at the Internship and Mastership, and the DoctoringMBBS fee russia, ukrain & china Departments, in Clinical Residency, at the post-residence courses, as well as via pre-attestation course, the course of improvement of medical knowledge, specialization and professional courses.
Awards And Reputation
BSMU keeps a stable deserving position in the rates of higher educational establishments. In 2012 it holds the 11th position in the National rate of higher educational establishments "TOP-200 Ukraine" among higher medical educational establishments in Ukraine; the University is the 2nd in the "WEBOMETRICS" ranking among medical educational establishments of Ukraine and occupies the 4394th position in the world (among 20 000 higher educational establishments); Ranked 6944 in the 4icu web rank; the University Repository is on the 785th position in the world rate "Ranking Web of Repositories" and the 1st one among the higher educational medical establishments of Ukraine; according to the data of the scientific-metric data base Scopus the University occupied the 38th position among all the higher educational establishments of Ukraine and the 8th position among the medical ones in Apr
Campuses And Buildings
The University has 12 educational buildings, modern library, University dental centre, educational-productive chemist's, sport complex, the Palace of culture and rest "Academichny", summer camp "Zdorovya". CliniMBBS fee russia, ukrain & chinacal departments are located on the bases of 27 medical-preventive and pharmaceutical establishments of Chernivtsi, equipped with up-to-date devices. Educational laboratories and studies are equipped with modern apparatus, supplied with necessary furniture and technical aids in the quality and amount essential to ensure educational process, scientific and medical-preventive work.
Education Of Foreign Citizens
4374 students study at the University now, 675 of them are foreign citizens from 32 countries. They have been taught since 1994, and since 2004 English have been introduced as the language of instruction. The number of foreign students from India, Somali, Nigeria, Ghana, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, the USA and other countries has been increasing from year to year.
Student Life
The University Students' Self-government is of a great significance as a means of realizatMBBS fee russia, ukrain & chinaion of the rights, duties and initiatives by the student community. Appropriate conditions of lodging are created for students. The students' town consists of five dormitories with good conditions of life; there are reading halls, sports halls, and libraries; students' computers are connected to the Internet.
The Palace "Academichny" actively functions for improvement of leisure time and students' creative abilities. A great variety of clubs and societies are placed here. Among them there is the studio of art, art and crafts, artistic photo, ensemble of folk song and dance "Trembita", vocal-instrumental ensemble, students' theatre and choreographic studio, etc.